Chat ai

The other day I was on chatgpt and AI that answers you what ever you asked, so I thought why not give it go and asked a algebra question and waited for an answer, did it work? Indeed it did don’t believe me here you go:

After finding out that the AI could answer and explain the question I decided to ask for an explanation for any question that I didn’t understand.

Round robin

Well my tennis coach decided to do a round every Saturday now so we all could get more experience in playing matches. So we went last Saturday and while playing against my opponents I realise that some of them were just tapping the ball back and then a realisation hit me that if I serve the tennis ball and they just tap the ball back by just using my force against the ball against me, I can literally just go up to the net and volley the ball and win points easily. I used force and gravity to win some matches.


This week i have learned what a quadratic graph is (finally) and it is much more simple then i thought, after Kritish explained.

The three new things i have learned in a quadratic graph and in general is the three important units which are the

Vertex – The vertex is the highest or lowest point of the graph.

So the purple dot is where the vertex is located.

Axis of symmetry – Is a line that runs down and cuts the parabola in half.

The dotted purple line is the axis of symmetry.

Roots – Is where the U or n is intercepting the x-axis (horizontal line).

The blue dots is where the Roots are located and where they intercept the

The equation to this graph is just like a normal quadratic.

But unlike the ragular old boring quadratic we have a quadratic that finds what Y is, but this is only for a quadratic graph. (at least that’s what i think).


So online learning hasn’t been to bad, but boy I had no idea that these light and sound waves were so difficult I mean did u know that the greater the amplitude of a sound wave, the more energy it is carrying and so the louder the sound.

And the greater the amplitude of a light wave, the more energy it is carrying and so the brighter the light cause i sure I didn’t, i guess you do learn something everyday.

Well that’s it for this learning blog see you next time. 👋👋

Tennis weekend

I NEED TO work a lot harder on my tennis if I ever wanna reach everyone’s else’s level. Gotta start playing more matches and I learned a lot from just watching others play there matches there strokes are a lot better so I better learn and a lot more and not just whack the ball.

Killer fitness training with a bunch of sets for a good/confusing reason

This is my first blog of this year and it is already week 8. Today we had to do some sets to keep us fit. The exercises we had to do were –

1.leg raises

2. Planks

3. Mountain climbers

4. Star jumps or burpees

5. Lunges

6. Push ups

And we did 5 sets for 30 seconds for each exercise, and what I learned from this is that if you put your mind to, you can achieve anything. After that we played some volleyball 🏐

Until next time👋🏽

Garden…………. after a few weeks

I know i know its been awhile since the last blog post that i did, but I’ve been doing my garden and I’ve planted my cucumbers and cabbage and my tomato’s have shot up high then again it has been a few weeks so yea. I did some research and it they say that it takes fourth something days for the cucumber and that they a very thirsty plants and need a lot of water so i always give them water at about lunch time.